greatness has been achieved but it
needs medals
greatness has been achieved but it
needs medals
distract them how ?
... how do you distract them it just got annoying i shot everythign except them n it runs ou tof time
ethnic cleansing really ?!
despite the ome what disturbing name on one the levels calling shooting militia members ethnic cleansing good game but obvioulsly your a tad racist
nothing happens...
meh gets boring after 40 secs make somethign happen when the meters hit a number, her sure dose trake alot of punishment before he even starts to get angry a lill bit.
boring no sound
no sound, boring 1 dimensional game more liek crazy click the ciricle game instead of shooting, no ammo ,or reaload limit just one level i dont see a gun just a retical... all in all i am not happy
glitches galore
i got stuck at the top of the level
the screen dosent follow with you when you move back wards, other than it being tiny n hard to see its a good but hard game. shouldve just mad eit paintball and capture the flag though
was hoping for hentai here
just why is the question i am left with i could sit around and hit the z key all day, i suppose its semi entertaining to see the milk splash on her.
kindve like playing metal gear but as a black box
thought previous is right if its a demo and not a full game, not bad idea though it is really tough and frustrating maybe slow it down a lill right off the bat.
Or make it go into a alert phase were there are more lasers or something if you trip one then if you hit another game over.
really no fun at all...
its just not entertaining and is kindve mind numbing.
"those whom would sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither and will lose both"~ Ben Franklin
Joined on 12/9/10